Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Guidelines For Weight Loss and Losing Belly Fat

Having a leaner, slimmer body not only improves your physical appearance but also builds self esteem, positing mind, reduces health risks, depression, etc. A person experiences a lot of positive changes after he has lost weight. This is one of the main reasons why millions of people are searching for weight loss methods everyday which will help them lose their excess weight.

Exchange your bad fats for good fats -- Everyone need fat in their body but there are good fats and bad fats. If you want to lose belly fat, get your fat from good sources. Good fats can be found in avocados, salmon, tuna, virgin olive oil, almonds, flax seeds, halibut, and walnuts.

Ready to eat meals have gradually changed their sizes of food portions, there is a high rate of growth in this subject. We are consuming more calories as we have adjusted well to eating large amounts of food. Put a limit on certain foods like pasta, rice potatoes, sweets; choose fruits and vegetables instead.

Lose the Belly Fat. The most important guideline for losing belly fat is to stop eating unhealthy foods or junk foods. Even though, some nutritionists say that unhealthy foods could be eaten sparingly, many times, it results in excess with little effort. Never take the risk. From today, about junk food in all forms, shouldn't be allowed into your house. Therefore no more takeaways, no more double whoppers with cheese, no more cookies, candy, snack, soda pop or other sugar stuffed treats. Additionally it is crucial to reduce processed meat - hence say no to hot dogs, sausages, salami as well as other forms of processed meats. All these meats are high in saturated fats.

Eat lean meat, chicken, seafood and other lean protein foods. Make sure you eat them in small portions. Protein has little fat in it and can help stimulate the body to burn fat.

Always set realistic approach in your plan. If that plan isn't working for you then don't do it and make necessary changes. Some people burn fat more quickly than others due to positive mindset and discipline.

Take a before photo of yourself and periodical photos of your transformation... but stick it somewhere visible at all times - this serves as a motivation for why you are doing this, and as well, will serve as a reminder on how far you have progressed since you stated this journey.

View the original article here

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