Sunday, December 25, 2011

Is There A Component Of Electronic Cigarettes That Annoy Allergies?

Article Directory :: Health & Fitness Articles

Nowadays, many people all over the world are increasing their intake of electronic cigarettes on a day to day basis, even though there is no substantial information about the risks posed to health. E-cigarettes can be bought online and in various shopping malls across the world. The increasing intake makes it important to consider the safety concerns so the above answer can be duly answered.

What are the constituents? It consists of nicotine and propylene glycol that are housed in a cartridge, an atomizer, a power cord and a battery. When the smoker inhales air through it, the battery is activated by an air flow sensor. Once that happens, the tip of the cigarette becomes red so that smoking is stimulated. The nicotine and propylene glycol are turned into vapor once the atomizer is heated. As the smoker continues to inhale the substance, dose of nicotine becomes delivered into the smoker's lungs by the aerosol vapor that is inhaled from the e liquids.

Many traditional tobacco products burn when lighted. On the other hand, e-cigarettes vaporize the chemical compounds it contains. In other words, nicotine and the propylene glycol found in the cartridge are vaporized in the form aerosol once heated. But, this product is not likely to produce any of the toxic chemicals that are found by burning and smoking tobacco products.

There is still no information available about the health risks of the vaporized chemical compounds that are found in the aerosol of this product. Owing to that reason, a number of people still assume that this form of cigarette is a safe alternative if they do not want to smoke "real cigarettes" that are known to have the ability to predispose an individual to having cancer and sensitivity issues. But, is this assumption reliable? Of course, not!

At the moment, there is yet no solid research to confirm or prove otherwise about the safety of e-cigarettes. As a result, it is not absolutely correct for anyone to conclude that the product is safe for use, except sound scientific evidence exists to back up such claims. In the same vein, nothing is yet in the public knowledge about the toxicity of the vapors generated in the product.

As for the issue of allergies, it remains your duty to watch out for any possible signs of allergy when you take the product. Bear in mind that any allergies suffered by an individual may not necessarily be suffered by you as body chemistries and other health factors differ from one person to another.

Therefore, you need to use the result of your exposure to the product to judge whether or not you develop any allergies from the use of the product. Nobody can say with authority whether or not electronic cigarettes can cause allergies until there is scientific evidence to back it up or when it is proven with certainty that it is the cause of allergy in an individual. As it is now, the product may or may not cause allergies or other notorious side effects except the fact is adequately established.

In addition to what has been said earlier, let it be noted that there is need for more information about the health effects of the cigarette vapor. Substantial research and analysis are needed to make definite remarks about the safety of electronic cigarettes. The hope is that the frantic efforts made by scientists to research the safety of this product will for sure see the light of the day sooner than expected. Until then, the product is yet to have any links with allergies.

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1 comment:

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