Sunday, December 25, 2011

Lose Belly Fat From 5 Real Weight Loss Tips

If you want to lose the weight for good, then don't try to lose weight fast or deprive yourself of your favorite foods. Although there will be some discipline required on your part, the key here is to remain patient and sticking to your plans. Below are 5 simple weight loss tips to start with now -

Do more intense cardio workouts -- Most people do long cardiovascular workouts at a steady pace. This is better than nothing but far from excellent. In order to lose maximum stomach fat as fast as possible, you need to do more intense interval workouts like sprinting, fast cycling, running up staircases, and more. These workouts will also be far shorter than the regular workouts most people do, and highly more effective.

The calories in a gram of fat, when linked to protein or carbohydrates can be as much as two times of its amount. There are many products available in the market, you should only choose foods that have less fat and calories.

You should include in your diet products with fewer calories, like fruits and vegetables. Foods that are rich in fiber are among the best selections. Try to turn from white to black bread and choose whole grain cereal for breakfast.

The most crucial change you have to make in order to lose your belly fat and obtain a flat tummy is to begin exercising. However just running a few miles twice weekly, or perhaps playing some tennis at the weekend, will never change stubborn belly fat. The most effective way to lose weight is a mix of rigorous interval training and resistance training, preferably in the form of compound weight lifting.

Carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes are no more in your diet. You have to quit eating them and instead eat other things. They will only add calories and get in the way of losing your belly fat fast.

You need to have a positive mindset before starting any program. This is one of the reasons why most people fail in losing their weight. Prepare a diet plan that you can manage and also an exercise plan you have at least 20 minutes of physical activities like walking, cycling, swimming, etc.

Be realistic - let's face it, for most people you will not lose be able to lose 10 pounds a week. Although some people may, the likelihood of them stacking the weight back on is huge. Making drastic changes for drastic results are for short term gains. So if you want to steadily lose the weight and improve your health, take one small step at a time for bigger goals.

View the original article here

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